Writing about Cloud, architecture, AWS, GCP and software engineering.

How to Authenticate to Google Cloud using OpenID Connect in your GitLab CI/CD pipeline

Still using sensitive service account keys in your GitLab repository? Want to enhance the security of your CI/CD pipelines? In this blog post, I will show you the process of authenticating your GitLab CI/CD pipelines to Google Cloud using OpenID Connect (OIDC). ...

November 25, 2024

How to bootstrap an AWS account with Terraform state backend

If you want to create an infrastructure CI/CD pipeline for AWS using Terraform, you want to keep the state in a remote backend. When provisioning an environment with Terraform that includes the state backend resources, you will need two actions to set up the remote state backend. In this blog I will present you with a CloudFormation template with which you can bootstrap the AWS account. This will decouple the state backend resources from the Terraform template. This allows you to use the remote backend straight away from your CI/CD pipeline. ...

November 6, 2021